GBU-43/B - GBU-43/B
The GBU-43/B, also known as Massive Ordnance Air Blast (MOAB), is a 20,000-pound class bomb designed to hit large areas of enemy territory to achieve a terrifying psychological impact.
По больше этои пока не нашел.Вроде вакумного пугача на поверхности.Про норы не пишут,хотя в Афганистане подобные применяли так,как вы пишите.
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Under DAMASK (Direct Attack Munition Affordable SeeKer) program the US military are trying to add an image seeker to the JDAM bomb achieving improved accuracy. DAMASK objective is to provide a CEP accuracy to JDAM about 3 meters. With such accuracy the JDAM bomb will be able to completely replace current laser guided bombs from the US inventory.(500 lb,230 kg)
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