..меморандум, написанный начальником штаба армии США генералом Эриком Шинсеки, в котором делается попытка объяснить почему 24 вертолета «Апач», входившие в группу «Хок», не приняли участия в боевых действиях (Косово, 99г.). Одной из причин называется низкая профессиональная подготовка летчиков вертолетов, ранее дислоцировавшихся в Германии. Среди других причин - серьезные дефекты радиосвязного оборудования, аппаратуры РЭБ и топливной системы.
...Темную ночь в ясный день, по идее, должна превращать обзорно-прицельная система TADS/PNVS, включающая тепловизионный и низкоуровневый телевизионный каналы. Однако претензий к работе тепловизоров у экипажей хватает еще со времен «Бури в Пустыне». После войны в Заливе американцы детально разбирались с недостатками ИК системы обзора передней полусферы. В результате исследований летчики и операторы вооружения «Апачей» стали практиковать полеты в темное время суток с очками ночного видения. Стоит напомнить, что одним из широко в свое время рекламируемых достоинств системы TADS/PNVS являлся отказ от ОНВ, которые полностью должен был заменить тепловизор.
...Опасения вызывали бортовые средства обороны «Апачей». Аппаратура РЭБ вертолета АН-64А «также ненадежна и неэффективна». По словам Коди, летчики «не уверены в работе приемника предупреждения об электромагнитном облучении APR-39, аппаратуре постановки активных помех в электромагнитной ALQ-136 и инфракрасной ALQ-144 областях спектра. По мнению Коди, системы APR-39, ALQ-136 и ALQ-144 требуют замены.
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..A pilot from the 1st Aviation (Attack) Battalion, 82d Aviation Brigade (1-82d), Ft. Bragg, North Carolina, related a specific incident that had taken place during a deep attack combat mission. The pilot said that while on the mission, he had had to leave the engagement area because his Apache had a component malfunction. Before he left the area he had tried to call his wing man 13 times but could not reach him, so he left the mission without making contact. According to this pilot, the other Apache pilots on the mission had thought for a time that he had been shot down.
...Pilots Flew Apaches With Malfunctioning Equipment
While Apache units had sufficient numbers of aircraft available for each mission, many aircraft flown on missions were less than fully mission capable. According to 64 of 93 pilots we questioned, they had flown missions during which they had not been able to fully use the capabilities of the Apache because systems were inoperable. The failure of components such as weapon systems or the optics normally degrades the aircraft's status to partially mission capable in peacetime. However, Apache personnel told us that when such components failed in Saudi Arabia, they were at times judged to be non-mission essential, and consequently these aircraft were flown.
...A total of 99 hours was flown by the two aircraft during the four-week evaluation. During that time, there were periods when one or both AH-64As were unserviceable. The Apaches suffered from software problems in the FCC and badly maintained rocket pods; an APU clutch had to be changed, a TV camera had to be replaced, a laser unit had to be replaced, several bulbs had to be changed, one gun suffered a hardware failure and rotors needed repairing. As a result, five of the planned 20 missions were cancelled due to technical problems. Additional missions were also cancelled to allow ground crews more time to prepare for weapons tests. The Apache's navigation and fire control systems suffered several problems. Co-ordinates in latitudes higher than 65°N could not be entered and, as a result, planned night attack missions were not flown.