:? хорошо расформировали - было одно а стало дваБывалый написал(а):Ключевая фраза: Американский военно-информационный портал Strategypage обнародовал ранее не публиковавшиеся результаты исследования ныне расформированного британского Агентства военных исследований и оценок (British Defence Evaluation and Research Agency)...

а вот их дочки в США:
In September 2005, Apogen became a wholly-owned subsidiary of QinetiQ North America. Along with Foster Miller, Inc, Westar Aerospace & Defense Group, and Analex Corporation Apogen makes up the the U.S. arm of QinetiQ. QinetiQ was founded in July 2001 from the majority of the Defence Evaluation and Research Agency (DERA) and the laboratories of the UK Ministry of Defense (MOD), QinetiQ today has grown internationally, with 12,000 employees in the UK and U.S., many of them internationally acclaimed experts, providing government and commercial customers unparalleled resources to create, evaluate, test, and deliver technology based services, solutions and products.
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