Ярослав С. написал(а):
По поводу успешного удара по тем, кто незадолго до этого убивали славян, поддерживал, воспитывал и направлял террористов.
Те люди этого не делали,прежде чем писать бред:
Number of 9/11 Deaths
At least 2,985 people died in the September 11th attacks, including:
* 19 terrorists
* 2,966 victims
All but 13 people died on that day. The remaining 13 later died of their wounds. One person has died since the attacks, of lung cancer. It is suspected to have been caused by all the debris from the Twin Towers.
There were 266 people on the four planes:
* American Airlines Flight 11 (crashed into the WTC): 92 (including five terrorists)
* United Airlines Flight 175 (crashed into the WTC): 65 (including five terrorists)
* American Airlines Flight 77 (crashed into the Pentagon): 64 (including five terrorists)
* United Flight 93 (downed in Shanksville, PA): 45 (including four terrorists)
There were 2,595 people in the World Trade Center and near it, including:
* 343 NYFD firefighters and paramedics
* 23 NYPD police officers
* 37 Port Authority police officers
* 1,402 people in Tower 1
* 614 people in Tower 2
* 658 people at one company, Cantor Fitzgerald
* 1,762 New York residents
* 674 New Jersey residents
* 1 NYFD firefighter killed by a man jumping off the top floors of the twin towers
There were 125 civilians and military personnel at the Pentagon.
1,609 people lost a spouse or partner on 9/11. More than 3,051 children lost parents.
While there were mostly Americans killed in this horrific attack one must mention who the non survivors were from other countries:
327 foreign nationals also perished.
Argentina: 4 [1]
Australia: 11
Bangladesh: 6
Belarus: 1 [2]
Belgium: 1
Bermuda: 1
Brazil: 3
Canada: 27 [3][4]
Chile: 2
China: 4
Cote d'Ivoire: 1
Colombia: 17
Democratic Republic of the Congo: 2
Dominican Republic: 1
El Salvador: 1
Ecuador: 3
France: 1
Germany: 11
Ghana: 2
Guyana: 3
Haiti: 2
Honduras: 1
India: 1
Indonesia: 1
Ireland: 6 [5]
Israel: 5
Italy: 4
Jamaica: 16
Japan: 26
Jordan: 2 [6][7][8]
Lebanon: 3
Lithuania: 1
Malaysia: 7
Mexico: 16
Moldova: 1
Netherlands: 1
New Zealand: 2
Nigeria: 1
Panama: 2 [9]
Peru: 5
Philippines: 16
Portugal: 3 [10]
Poland: 1
Russia: 1
South Africa: 2
South Korea: 28
Spain: 1
Sweden: 1
Taiwan: 1
Ukraine: 1
Uzbekistan: 1 [11]
United Kingdom: 67 [12]
Venezuela: 1
http://wiki.answers.com/Q/How_many_peop ... 01_attacks
Org написал(а):
Я пытался анализировать почему испытал злорадное удовлетворение когда увидел знаменитые кадры 9/11 . И пришел к выводу что виноват в этом Голливуд с его рембо , джеймс бондами , и еще кучей фильмов категории б , где бравые американские парни направо и налево мочат арабов , русских ,вьетнамцев и т д. А вот вам реальность, в которой боль и страдание пришли в ваш дом .
Вы часто кино с реальностью путаете?