------------------------------------------------------ Appendix II:4.2
Aircraft casualty rates can be calculated by dividing casualties by
total sorties or total strikes. Table II.8 shows aircraft casualty
rates per strike for the aircraft under review.
The overall aircraft casualty rate was 0.0017 per strike, or in other
words, about 0.0017 aircraft were lost or damaged per strike in
Desert Storm. The F-117 was the only aircraft under review that
reported no losses or damage. However, using an analysis performed
in DOD but not publicly reported, we calculated the likelihood of a
nonstealthy aircraft being hit if it flew the same number of strikes
as the F-117 (that is, 1,788), with a general probability of hit
equal to 0.0017.\40 This calculation showed that 0 hits would be the
most likely outcome for a nonstealthy aircraft conducting 1,788
strikes. This indicates that although there were no F-117 casualties
in Desert Storm, the difference between its survivability and other
aircraft may arise from its smaller number of strikes as much as
other factors.
Table II.8
Desert Storm Aircraft Casualty Rates
Total Total Aircraft casualty
Aircraft casualties strikes rate per strike
-------------------------- ---------- ---------- ------------------
F-117 0 1,788 0
F-111F 3 2,802 0.0011
F-15E 2 2,124 0.0009
A-6E 8 2,617 0.0031
O/A-10 20 8,640\a 0.0023
F-16 7 11,698 0.0006
F/A-18 10 4,551 0.0022
B-52 5 1,706 0.0029
GR-1 10 1,317 0.0076
Total 65\b 37,243 0.0017
Добавлено спустя 8 минут 57 секунд:
Ха! Конгресмены высчитали теоритическыю вероятность поражения Ф-117,а патриоты вероятность защитали за реальную потерю.
Нашел в конце концов.День за днем ход воздышнои воины,с описнием ВСЕХ воздушных боев.Вот и узнаем всё статистику БВБ.
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1.Д-1,17.01.Each of the pilots of four F-1 5Cs from the 58th Tactical Fighter Squadron was flying his first combat mission on 17 January, sweeping for Iraqi fighters. Around Baghdad, "The whole ground was red with Triple-A fire as far as you could see," recalled one pilot. The four F-15s were inbound toward Mudaysis airfield when two Iraqi Mirage F-1 fighters took off and headed for them at low level. Using the look down, shoot down radar capability, one F-15 fired an AIM-7 radar-guided missile and saw the F-1 explode. The Iraqi wingman, evidently startled by this disaster, created an even greater one for himself when he turned right and dove straight into the desert floor.
Каждыи из 4 пилотов Ф-15С 58 Тактическои эскадрили летели на первыи свои боевои вылет сметая иракские перехвачики."Вокруг Багдада вся земля была краснои от Triple-A oгня сколько глаза глядят"-заметил один пилот.4 Ф-15 проскочили к аиропорту Мудаисис,когда 2 Миража влетели и на низкои высоте направились к ним.Ползуяс прямои видимостью,быключив радар, один ф-15 выстрелил ракету АИМ-7 радарного наведения и увидел.как Ф-1 взорвался.Напарник ,свидетель случившегося,сотворил нечто большее,он отвернул в право в низ и врезался в пустиню.
Добавлено спустя 44 минуты 12 секунд:
2D-1,17MiG shoot down recounted by an F/A-18 pilot, VFA-81, from USS Saratoga: "We crossed the Iraqi border in an offset battle box formation to maintain the best lookout possible. As the strike developed, the volume and intensity of communications over the strike frequency increased. Bandit [enemy aircraft] calls from the E-2 to our other strike group crowded in to my mind as I plotted where those bandits should be relative to our position. A call from the E-2 clearly intended for the Hornet strikers finally registered: 'Bandits on your nose, 15 miles!' I immediately selected Sidewinder [air-to-air missile] and obtained a radar lock on a head-on, supersonic Iraqi MiG-21. I fired a Sidewinder and lost sight of it while concentrating on watching the MiG. Thinking the Sidewinder wasn't tracking, I selected Sparrow and fired. A few seconds after the Sparrow left the rail, the Sidewinder impacted the MiG-21 with a bright flash and puff of black smoke. Trailing flame, the MiG was hit seconds later by the Sparrow and began a pronounced deceleration and descent. As the flaming MiG passed below me, I rocked up on my left wing to watch him go by. Another FIA-18 pilot killed the MiG's wingman with a Sparrow shot only seconds after my missiles impacted the lead MiG....After the tactical activity associated with bagging a MiG while entering a high threat target area, the dive bombing run on our primary target was effortless. Visible below me were numerous muzzle flashes, dust and smoke from gun emplacements, a light carpet of AAA bursts and several corkscrew streaks of handheld SAMs being fired. I glanced back at the target just in time to see my fou
Как был сбит Миг,рассказал пилот Ф/А-18 Саратоги:Мы пересекли Иракскыю границу,пестоившиш"яшиком"для лучего обзора.Во время полета интенсивность радио обмена все нарастала.Бандит[самолет врага] вызывал Е-2 с соседнеи ударнои групы,я подумал что этот бандит врежется в нашу толпу.Я попросил Е-2 уточнить ситуацию для Хорнетов,в конце концов пришло сообщение:"15 миль на носу у вас бандиы!".Я немедленно выбрал Саидвиндер,навел радар и увидел на сверхзвуке мчашцегося Миг-21.Я пустил Саидвиндер,но потерял метку,пока высматривал Мига.Подумал,что Саидвиндер цель не захватил,я пустил Спорроу.РЧерез несколько секунд,как ракета покинула направляюшее,я увидел,что Саидвиндер взорвался ярким цветом, шаром черного дыма.Охваченыи пламенем Миг вторично был поражен Спорроу...Другои пилот Ф/А-18 сбил его напарника ракетои Спорроу....