Daywalker написал(а):
shmak написал(а):
This does not look like an official DOD plan...
Эти страшилки наверно в Кремле создаются,что бы ура-патриотов под контролем держать.
Угу, как вы интересно заговорили. "Дерьмо", "Cтрашилки"...
Однако продолжим:
The U.S. Nuclear War Plan
This June 2001 report from NRDC's nuclear program offers an independent assessment of the U.S. nuclear war planning process and the assumptions and logic of the SIOP, or Single Integrated Operational Plan, a Cold War relic that continues to guide U.S. nuclear war plans. Using customized computer software and a vast aggregation of declassified and open-source data to closely approximate the tools that SIOP planners use, NRDC has simulated a U.S. attack against Russian nuclear forces and attacks against Russian cities. The report includes a description of the history, evolution and working process of SIOP; detailed descriptions of the NRDC nuclear war simulation model and target database; and policy recommendations.
Table of Contents:
Executive Summary
Chapter One: Purpose and Goals
Chapter Two: U.S. Single Integrated Operational Plan and U.S. Nuclear Forces
Chapter Three: The NRDC War Simulation Model
Chapter Four: Attacking Russia's Nuclear Forces
Chapter Five: Attacking Russian Cities: Two Countervalue Scenarios
Chapter Six: Conclusions and Policy Recommendations
Appendix A: Functional Classification Codes
Appendix B: Data Fields in the NRDC Russian Target Database
Appendix C: NRDC Russian Target Database Target Classes, Categories and Types
Appendix D: Nuclear Weapons Effects Equations
About the Authors
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