The F–22 is not a Stealthy Aircraft. Stealth means the proper suppression of all its important ‘‘signatures’’—Visual Signature, Radar Signature, Infrared Signature,Electromagnetic Emissions, and Sound.
Visually—The F–22, one of the world’s largest, most identifiable fighters, cannot hide in daylight. Its role is in daylight. Stealth operations are night operations. Unfortunately stealth against radar invariably increases the size of a fighter making it more visible.
The radar signature is utterly inadequately reported. Only a single data number is provided to congressional committees and the GAO—the average radar signature in the level forward direction within 20 degrees of the nose, presumably to enemy fighter radars. In the B–1B reporting fiasco, the 100/1 signature advantage over the B–52 became a real 1.8/1. One cannot design an aircraft to smultaneously hide from low and medium frequency ground radars and from high frequency airborne fighter radars. Properly, all the data should be portrayed and reported—for all azimuths, for all ‘‘latitudes,’’ and fall radar frequencies. Single data points constitute lying by omission and gross incompleteness.
The temperature increases of supersonic cruising flights make the F–22s beacons in the sky to infrared sensors.
Fighters, with radar to search for and find the enemy autonomously, at long ranges, cannot hide their high powered electric emissions to modern, sophisticated, Russian equipment. The Russians excel at this art and export their equipment to many nations.
Further, F–22 detection of enemies by radar is an inverse fourth power phenomenon, while detection of the F–22’s radar is an inverse square phenomenon, giving the advantage to the enemy. In other words, the F–22’s radar will be detected by an enemy plane before the F–22 detects the enemy.
It appears that designing air superiority aircraft primarily for radar stealth is an error
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