Жемапель Андре написал(а):
Афганистан 2009г. Около 100 тыс. американских военных
В ноябре прошлого года,было 68 тысяч солдат армии США
By the end of October 2009, ISAF
had an estimated 71,000 troops from 42 countries, with the 28 NATO members providing the core
of the force. The largest troop deployments come from the United States which has approximately
34,800 troops, the United Kingdom (9,000), Germany (4,300), Canada (2,800), Italy (2,700),
France (3,100), the Netherlands (2,100), and Poland (2,000) 2.
The announcement by President Obama stressed that the new strategy was intended to bolster the
resources of the stabilization effort in Afghanistan that many officials had said were lacking
during the Bush Administration. According to the strategy, 17,000 additional U.S. combat troops
would be deployed as authorized by President Obama in February 2009 to help secure the restive
south and east of Afghanistan and a long standing requirement for 4,000 additional U.S. military
personnel to train the Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) would be met as well. It was
expected that the trainers would enable the Afghan National Army to reach its planned goal of
134,000 troops (from the existing 85,000) by 2011."
Ресурс :
Сейчас: 85000 Афганская армия , 71000 nato
Второй ресурс:
• ISAF Total Strength: approx 84,150
http://www.isaf.nato.int/en/troop-contr ... tions.html
"ISAF will have at least 37,000 more soldiers in 2010 than it did this year," Rasmussen said. "That is solidarity in action."
http://www.cnn.com/2009/WORLD/asiapcf/1 ... index.html
Итого в 2010 в Афгане должно быть 84,150 + 37000=121,150 NATO солдат плюс 85000+ солдат Афганской армии.
Сколько там наёмников ? Да чёрт его знает, думаю тысяч 10 минимум.
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