Phase 1 (2011 timeframe) – Addresses regional ballistic missile threats to our European Allies and our deployed personnel and their families by deploying a land-based AN/TPY-2 radar and existing Aegis BMD-capable ships equipped with proven SM-3 Block IA interceptors. In March 2011, the United States announced the deployment of the USS Monterey to the Mediterranean to begin a sustained deployment of Aegis BMD-capable ships in support of the EPAA.
Phase 2 (2015 timeframe) – After appropriate testing, we will deploy a more capable version of the SM-3 interceptor (Block IB). We will also add a land-based SM-3 ballistic missile defense interceptor site, which Romania has agreed to host, in order to expand the defended area against short- and medium-range missile threats. Negotiations for a basing agreement are well underway and the United States and Romania announced the joint selection of a site in May 2011.
Phase 3 (2018 timeframe) – After development and testing are complete, we will deploy a more advanced SM-3 interceptor (Block IIA) and add a second land-based SM-3 site, which Poland agreed to host in October 2009, to counter short-, medium-, and intermediate-range missile threats. In July 2010, the United States and Poland signed the Protocol amending the August 2008 Ballistic Missile Defense Agreement to provide the basis for Poland to host the land-based SM-3 site. On April 22, 2011, Polish President Komorowski signed legislation ratifying the Agreement.
Phase 4 (2020 timeframe) – After development and testing are complete, we will deploy the SM-3 Block IIB interceptor to enhance our ability to counter medium- and intermediate-range missiles and potential future ICBM threats to the United States from the Middle East.
One of the most important milestones since President Obama’s announcement in 2009 was NATO’s decision at the Lisbon Summit in November 2010 to develop a missile defense capability whose aim is to protect NATO European populations, territory and forces against the increasing threats posed by the proliferation of ballistic missiles. NATO also agreed to expand its current missile defense command, control, and communications capabilities to protect NATO European populations, territory, and forces. Allies at Lisbon welcomed the EPAA as the U.S. national contribution to NATO’s missile defense architecture, as well as contributions from other Allies.